My morning started at 8 am.
Everybody ate breakfast on their own, so we weren't able to talk to each other after a too short night.
When we started our trip we needed to change some of our plans because the weather wasn't on our site this day.
We visited the statue of crazy horse and its museum. Because of the foggy weather we just could look at it for a few minutes.
After that, we visited the Mount Rushmore. It was interesting to get to know the history of the four former presidents of the United States.

Then we rode by bas through a Wildpark where we saw a lot of donkeys, bisons and deer. It was cold and windy when we hopped out of the Bus to stroke and feed the donkeys but it was still an unique moment.
At 6 pm we were back at our beautiful lodge. Some girls cooked chicken with curry - that was delicious. Meanwhile the others packed their suitcases and cleanded everything up. So at 8 pm we all were ready to leave our house in beautiful South Dakota.
Now we're sitting in the bus on our way to the next hotel. Our busdriver Joe organized a DVD for us. - now there are 19 happy students and two teachers in a quiet bus watching "dirty dancing" and then there's me. I'm writing the today's blog. Thank you for an amazing day. :)
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